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[MBM]≫ Download Gratis Enden A Fantasy Novel Wars of Enden Volume 1 David Duane Kummer 9781540696045 Books

Enden A Fantasy Novel Wars of Enden Volume 1 David Duane Kummer 9781540696045 Books

Download As PDF : Enden A Fantasy Novel Wars of Enden Volume 1 David Duane Kummer 9781540696045 Books

Download PDF Enden A Fantasy Novel Wars of Enden Volume 1 David Duane Kummer 9781540696045 Books

They have grown strong in the shadows, the kingdom of Oldon. The land is void of hope and of strength against them. The human kingdoms grow corrupt everyday, so that the lines between good and evil are slurred. 

One young man from a small village in the valley could change all of that. He fights with the passion of a warrior and the luck of a magician. And when the barbarians force him out of his home, the journey begins. 

Trained by a knight, shadowed with secrets, and against the kingdom he once called home, Jonathan is an outcast, a rebel. But more than anything, he is a leader. 

Enden is a world filled with wars, famine, sieges, torture, and death. But the greatest battle of all is to survive. Only one thing is certain. Something is rising, in the distance near the edge of the world where forgotten secrets brew. Something has risen. And it is coming. 

It is coming. 

***Bonus Material*** 
-A comprehensive collection of maps 
-A brief history of Enden 
-A letter from me, the author 

Email me, the author, at

Enden A Fantasy Novel Wars of Enden Volume 1 David Duane Kummer 9781540696045 Books

If you like reading Dark Fantasy, then you will love this compelling story of Enden, a world of Lords and Kings, Dwarfs and Knights. In book 1 of this series, the dwarf-human nation of Ormdel, and the nations of Byrum, Oldon, and Kelorman all join forces in a war against the invasive Barbarians intent on destroying the villages and kingdoms in their path. The hero is a young man named Jonathan who is ripped from a normal peasant life and taken under the care of his mentor, Sir Richard, who transforms him into a valiant warrior.

I’m not a reader of Fantasy, but I found this story to be an exception. The characters are so realistic; and the fight scenes are vivid and well described as they try to end the evil that threatens life as they know it. I find Enden to be a well-written book created by a very talented author. I highly recommend this book as well as all of his books.

Product details

  • Series Wars of Enden
  • Paperback 336 pages
  • Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (November 28, 2016)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1540696049

Read Enden A Fantasy Novel Wars of Enden Volume 1 David Duane Kummer 9781540696045 Books

Tags : Enden: A Fantasy Novel (Wars of Enden) (Volume 1) [David Duane Kummer] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <span>*Currently being rewritten*</span><div><span>They have grown strong in the shadows, the kingdom of Oldon. The land is void of hope and of strength against them. The human kingdoms grow corrupt everyday,David Duane Kummer,Enden: A Fantasy Novel (Wars of Enden) (Volume 1),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1540696049,FICTION Fantasy Epic
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Enden A Fantasy Novel Wars of Enden Volume 1 David Duane Kummer 9781540696045 Books Reviews

For one so young, David Kummar is a great new talent. I was lucky enough to read Enden before it was published, and thoroughly enjoyed the book. The scope is wide and David Kummar deals with it in a most professional manner.
A young man finds himself thrown headlong into a world of batlle, knights and mystery. He is a natural leader, but he does not know it until leadership is thrust upon him when he loses his family and has to leave all he knows behind.
This is the first of a series, and I cannot wait for the other books.
David Kummar promises to be one of the freats of Fantasy writing.
This book was more interesting that I thought it would be just from the title. Sometimes book about king and queens and medieval times are not very good so I was not sure about this book, until I tried it! This book was really good and I'm glad I gave it a chance. It was very exciting to me and I liked the characters build and develop through out the book as well. * I received this book from the author---this is my honest review*
It's an interesting adventure about one young man who can change the world. Well, his word and his kingdom. The characters in this book are well developed, and yes, it's an epic novel, as it is long, but it is worth the read. Filled with knights and battles, and the search for tomorrow, this is a grand story. A good read to start off the new year.

I received this book free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. ~Amy's Bookshelf Reviews
Uncaged Book Reviews

Enter this book with an open mind and be prepared to not to put it down until the end. For a novel written by a young author is it completely breathtaking, heart stopping and spell binding. A tale that is so well weaved together that you not see the ending coming. A must read for any true dark fantasy reader. And series that just made to my go to re-read shelf. I simply cannot wait for the continuation. Reviewed by Melisa
I had the chance to review an early copy of David Kummer’s Enden which promises to be the first in a larger series. There are a number of things to appreciate about the novel which I got as part of the review section for my Inside the Inkwell blog. One of the first things worth noting is that the author is still a high school student. That’s significant to know because of the level of mythopoeia surrounding the story. I read a pretty large number of books each year and focus my efforts on Sci FI and Fantasy; Enden might be the most Tolkienesque story I’ve read this year.

As a fellow fantasy author I appreciate the replete notes and indexes. It goes a long way to building the world. The writing does have a Tolkien flair as well which has pros and cons. It may turn off some younger or first-time fantasy readers, but a familiarity even with just the Peter Jackson movies will make the text more accessible to readers and help envision the settings, races, etc. I did find (and appreciate) the level of magic, which also hearkens to LotR rather than Forgotten Realms and that makes it more important/more powerful by comparison, IMO.

I mentioned that I had an early draft to review. There were some formatting glitches and consistent grammatical errors. I did mention them to the writer who discovered it had been the early draft; some of them have been fixed through revisions, but I can’t speak to it in the final version. I also don’t care for the cover; readers of my indie writing blog may be familiar with this amongst my other pet peeves, but don’t let it deter you, especially if you’re looking for a new, up-and-coming author to follow and a new realm to explore.

There are great seeds planted for a great series. Time will tell where it all goes and with such a young author things will only continue to build the world of Enden one page at a time.
I ABSOLUTELY loved this book!! Can't wait for more.
A fantastic tale about a young man who is rebellious and holds no respect for his current King or family. He learns rather quickly how important family is when war comes to his village. Now he is plunged into manhood and must learn how to fight for his life and kingdom. This is an epic journey sweeping across many lands and it is only the beginning.
I look forward to the continuation of this Trilogy.
If you like reading Dark Fantasy, then you will love this compelling story of Enden, a world of Lords and Kings, Dwarfs and Knights. In book 1 of this series, the dwarf-human nation of Ormdel, and the nations of Byrum, Oldon, and Kelorman all join forces in a war against the invasive Barbarians intent on destroying the villages and kingdoms in their path. The hero is a young man named Jonathan who is ripped from a normal peasant life and taken under the care of his mentor, Sir Richard, who transforms him into a valiant warrior.

I’m not a reader of Fantasy, but I found this story to be an exception. The characters are so realistic; and the fight scenes are vivid and well described as they try to end the evil that threatens life as they know it. I find Enden to be a well-written book created by a very talented author. I highly recommend this book as well as all of his books.
Ebook PDF Enden A Fantasy Novel Wars of Enden Volume 1 David Duane Kummer 9781540696045 Books

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